10 Tips For Better Tasting Nespresso Pod Coffee

10 Tips For Better Tasting Nespresso Pod Coffee

Chances are coffee is a big part of your life. We want to help you enjoy it as much as possible. 



Here are some clever tips we've learned (in order from least to most time consuming):

  1. Before you add your pod, run the water to clean the chamber.
  2. Ensure your pods are kept in a dry, cool, place and as void of oxygen as possible.
  3. Reprogram your machine's settings to fit your preference's instead of the default program. Machines typically come with two-three default settings, by holding down the espresso/lungo buttons, you'll be able to set the pour to your preference.
  4. Use filtered water instead of tap water.
  5. Use less milk than your typical espresso shot. Try using two pods if you from a large mug.
  6. Pour milk in your espresso within 30 seconds of pour.
  7. Descale your machine every six months to a year.
  8. Look for a local option. Buying local typically means buying fresher coffee. And just like any food, the fresher, the better.
  9. Drink without the waste. For some reason coffee tastes better knowing that drinking it doesn't negatively impact the earth.
  10. Take a deep belly breath before you begin sipping. Often the most overlooked part of a coffee routine is relaxation. Use your coffee as a cue for your body to balance before your day gets underway.

If you've stumbled across this and you aren't familiar with Tripod Coffee, we're Australia's most responsible coffee. We offer Nespresso® compatible pods and specialty instant coffee. Shop here